Modifying Young Adult Skin Cancer Risk and Protective Behaviors (UV4.me2): A Hybrid Type 2 Dissemination/Effectiveness Trial

This project aims to investigate the reach, effectiveness, implementation, maintenance, and cost of an enhanced intervention and implementation strategies in a large national randomized controlled trial with young adults at moderate to high risk of developing skin cancer.

Funded by The National Cancer Institute/National Institutes of Health 
Grant Number: R01-CA-204271-01A1 (Carolyn Heckman, PI)                     



Established in 2009, the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Health Behavior Research is an institution-wide collaborative effort, dedicated to conducting health behavior research, fostering advances in measurement of health behaviors, advancing the use of health behavior theory, and promoting collaboration among faculty, fellows and students. 




Center for Heath Behavior Research
University of Pennsylvania
837 Blockley Hall
423 Guardian Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6021

Office Number: 215-573-4529
Fax Number: 215-573-5315