
Standing or Associated Penn faculty engaged in pharmacoepidemiologic research

Richard Aplenc, MD, PhD 

Andrea Apter MD, MSc, MA

Josh Baker, MD, MSCE

Nicolas Bamat, MD, MSCE 

Justin Bekelman, MD

Meena Bewtra, MD, PhD, MPH

Warren Bilker, PhD

Therese Bitterman, MD, MSCE

Hillary Bogner, MD, MSCE

Mary Regina Boland, PhD

Kathryn H. Bowles, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI

Serena Cardillo, MD

Molly Candon, PhD

Ellen Caniglia, ScD

Yong Chen, PhD

Zelma Chiesa, MD

Rebecca Citrin, MD, MSCE

Jordana Cohen, MD, MSCE

Andrew J. Cucchiara, PhD

Adam C. Cuker, MD, MS

Scott M. Damrauer, MD

Michelle Denburg, MD, MSCE

Rajat Deo, MD, MTR

Kit Delgado, MD, MSCE

Jalpa Doshi, PhD

Susan Ellenberg, PhD

John T. Farrar, MD, PhD

Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD

Alexander G. Fiks, MD, MSCE 

Brian Fisher, DO, MSCE

Garret A. FitzGerald, MD

Dustin D. Flannery, DO, MSCE

Lee A. Fleisher, MD

Joel M. Gelfand, MD, MSCE

Jeffrey S. Gerber, MD, PhD

Michael George, MD, MSCE

Kelly D. Getz, PhD, MPH

Robert Gross, MD, MSCE

James Guevara, MD, MPH

Sean Hennessy, PharmD, PhD

Jing Huang, PhD

John H. Holmes, PhD

Annamarie D. Horan, MPA, PhD

Rebecca A. Hubbard, PhD

Ravishankar Jayadevappa, PhD

Torsten Joerger, MD, MSCE

Tiffanie Jones, MD, MSCE

Genevieve P Kanter, PhD

Ross Koppel, PhD

Chelsea Kotch, MD, MSCE

Ebbing Lautenbach, MD, MPH, MSCE

Charles E. Leonard, PharmD, MSCE

James D. Lewis, MD, MSCE

Vincent Lo Re, MD, MSCE

Elizabeth Lowenthal, MD

Nadim Mahmud, MD, MS, MPH, MSCE

Ronac Mamtani, MD, MSCE

David S. Mandell, ScD

Steven C. Marcus, PhD

David J. Margolis, MD, PhD

Peter Merkel, MD, MPH

Nuala J. Meyer, MD,MS

Todd A. Miano, PharmD, PhD

Knashawn H. Morales, ScD

Katherine L. Nathanson, MD

Mary D. Naylor, PhD, RN, FAAN

Mark D. Neuman, MD, MS

Alexis Ogdie-Beatty, MD, MSCE

David Oslin, MD

Allyson Pishko, MD, MSCE

K. Rajender Reddy, MD

Peter Reese, MD, MSCE

Laurel E. Redding, VMD, PhD

Barbara Riegel, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAHA

Enrique F. Schisterman, PhD

Russell Shinohara, PhD

Dylan Small, PhD

Sindhu K. Srinivas, MD, MSCE

Alisa J. Stephens, PhD

Sony Tuteja-Stevens, PharmD, MS

Gregory E. Tasian, MD, MsC, MSCE

Junko Takeshita, MD, PhD

Lyle H. Ungar, PhD

Brian L. VanderBeek, MD, MPH

Allison Willis, MD, MS

Wei (Peter) Yang, PhD

Yu-Xiao Yang, MD, MSCE

Associate Investigators

Research staff who work with Penn faculty and who are engaged in pharmacoepidemiologic research

Timothy Brandon

Dena M. Carbonari, MS

Colleen Brensinger, MS

Pengxiang Li, PhD

Kacie Bogar, MS

Thanh Phuong Pham Nguyen, PharmD, MBA, MSCE

Adjunct Investigators

CCEB Adjunct Scholars and Penn Adjunct Faculty engaged in pharmacoepidemiologic research

Bing Cai, PhD

Paul M. Coplan, ScD, MBA

Michael Elliott, PhD

James H. Flory, MD, MSCE 

Kevin Haynes, PharmD, MSCE

Nkuchia Mikanatha, DrPH

Eileen E. Ming, MPH, ScD 

Swapnil Rajpathak, MD, MPH, DrPH

Maribel Salas, MD, MSc, DSc 

Brian L. Strom, MD, MPH

Trung Nam Tran, MD, PhD 


Trainees in Penn research training programs (including postdoctoral fellowships), instructors, and research associates, engaged in pharmacoepidemiologic research

Emily Acton, MSCE

Emily Baumrin, MD

Cedric Bien-Gund, MD

Clara Fischmann, MD

Fengge Wang, MBBS, MS, PhD

Patricia Chu, MD

Duy Do, MS

Rosanna Fulchiero, DO

Sali Jawara, PharmD, MPH, BCPS

Elimear Kitt

Christopher Miller

Audrey Le Mahajan, MD

Netanya Pollock, MD

Jennifer McCoy, MD

Dominique Medaglio, PharmD, MS

M. Elle Saine, PhD

Haedi Thelen, PharmD

Erica Weinstein, MD

Mattia Mah'moud, MPhil


CREST members develop real-world evidence about the health effects of medications and other medical products, and prepare the next generation of pharmacoepidemiology leaders. CREST is an academic partner to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-funded Sentinel Initiative. CREST members are also editors of the journal Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety, and the books Pharmacoepidemiology, 6th edition and Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology, 3rd edition.   


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